Refund Policy
We will notify you via email if a cancellation request has been approved or denied.
If your request is approved, a refund for the order amount, minus a 20% cancellation fee will be issued back to the original payment method within 48 business hours.
Refund times are subject to the terms outlined by the payment processor and are out of our control.
If your refund has not been received within 14 business days, please contact your financial institution to investigate.
If it appears that an error has been made on our end regarding your refund, please email us at
We have a 3-day return, refund, or replacement policy on eligible items.
- To be eligible for a return, your item(s) must be in the same condition as you received it, unused and in its original packaging.
- It is entirely within our discretion to decide whether or not we will accept the return of your item(s).
- Any item(s) sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted, and we have no obligation to refund you for such item(s).
- If your return request is accepted, you will be responsible for shipping the item(s) back to us at your own expense and will be required to provide a valid tracking number.
- All returns must be shipped back to us within 3 days of a notice being sent that we've accepted your return request.
- Once your return is received and inspected, a refund minus a 15% restocking fee + the original cost of shipping will be issued back to your original method of payment within 48 business hours.
To start a return, you may contact us by email at Please be sure to include your full name, your order # and the item(s) you're requesting to return.